How set correctly this system?
We present here different stages to plant trees with irrigation shaft system (Irrigasc).
The explanations on this page are essential in order to use correctly the shafts.
If the shaft is put incorrectly either the plant badly planted or the quality of the plant is bad, advantages of the shaft aren't guaranreed.
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The main steps on video
The preparation of the shaft
Fill the shaft with the soil of the hole to the tank. If the soil is too clayey, add a substrate more porous to the soil (for example sand).
Check if the shaft is proper, if there is a small hole, you can repair it with a adhesive tape for plastic.
Once filled, the shaft is fragile ! Be carefull of the roots or sharp stones at the time of manipulation
Water on start
Put organic/chemical fertilizer dose appropriate for plant in the shaft. (be careful for the trees with fertilizer, because too much fertilizer can affect trees growning back)
Fill tank with water until the level stay unchanging.
Water copiously plant (All days while the first week if necessary).
List of equipment to planting
- A manual or motor auger with a bit of 100 mm diameter (go down to see the differents kinds of auger head)
- Irrigasc shafts of the desired length
- Organic fertilizer (compost, etc...)
- Sand to fill the shaft if the soil is too clayey
- Plants must be the younger as possible (1-2 years) with straight and healthy roots
- A watering can or equivalent and a water point
- A fence if plants have to be protected against herbivores
- A adhesive tape for plastic
Auger for a sandy soil
This type of auger is composed of a metal band whom the sharp extremities are soldered together in order to obtain a kind of screw.
For more informations, contact us:
Auger for a mixed soil
This type of auger is composed of a kind of screw, that allows to dig easier.
For more informations, contact us:
To water regularly with a maximum of 3 liters each week ( 1 liter 3 times each weeks).
It is important to understand that roots must detect deep the water: water regulary.
If it is raining, don't water
If the soil is clayey, it is very important to know the phreatic table level, because roots can be roted.
For more informations, contact us:
Planting advices
The plants
First only species adapted to soil and climate should be planted.
The plants should be younger as possible, between 1 and 2 years, because planting stress is proportional to the age of the plant.
A stressed plant grows less fast .
It is important to check the state of health before planting to detect pests.
Roots must be healty, straight, moist but no rotten.
The main root must be straight! Don't plant wounded or curved roots.
The phreatic table level is a limiting factor for certain plant, to check before to realize the planting.
Plants need important nutriments like nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). It is often interesting to bring natural phosphorus rich in calcium.
Fertilizers are put two times in shaft during watering.
Be careful with fertilizers, chemicals fertilizers weak the roots mycorhizing systems.
The kinds of soils
Soils little deep:
The soil must have 30 centimeter deep to use Irrigasc system.
With 30 centimeter deep, roots are not good implanted in soil.
Soils very moist
If the soil is very moist, roots can go rotten in deep : use a another system.
Soils very clayey
In case of high dryness, a space can appear and the water flow along the shaft without reach roots.
To avoid this situation, place the shat in a dry soil and plant later.
In case of heavy rain, the soil can move, if the hole is too large.
If the soil is clayey, dense or very stony, a shaft 50 centimeter length is sufficient.
If the soil is dense, use a motor auger.